Written By : Annisaa
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Meutia Hafid |
Nowadays, some information about war or conflict usually comes from TV News in our home. Such as, war or conflict in Gaza, Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on. The information always reports us about the condition of the area, the total of the victims, and humanity aid for the victims. The information also is certainly reported by the TV News Journalists. Therefore, we should appreciate the TV News Journalists who report us news from conflict area as they face a lot of challenges.
TV News Journalists should be tough to face some risks when they work in the area of conflict, war or disturbance. The risks that they can face in the conflict area are posing a threat, taking of hostage, or even a death. These conditions ever happened to some TV News Journalists in Indonesia. In 2003, Ersa Siregar, a TV News reporter of RCTI, died because of the shot at each other between TNI and GAM in Peureulak NAD. Then on February, 2005, Meutya Hafid and Budyanto, a TV News reporter and cameraman of Metro TV, experienced taking of hostage for seven days by group of Mujahidin in Iraq. Meutya Hafid as a TV News reporter who should give the best news to public felt the thin difference between life and death when she was taken as hostage. She also explained that, although she did not experience physical violence, but she still felt that being a hostage was hurtful and against the freedom of human’s life.
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Ersa Siregar |
To report us news, TV News Journalists should know about the rules and how to solve the problem that they will face. In this case, all of that will be explained in the trainings by interrelated institutions, such as Safety Journalists Training which held by Aliansi Jurnalistik Independen (AJI), and International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The instructors of the trainings are also the people who had experience in the real conflict, war or disturbance area. They share about their experience that they did to the participants of the training. The materials of the trainings which also become the rules tell about how to make good plain in covering, comprehend the situation in the area, and be ready to face the worst things. They should also prepare the draft of complete administration for departure, such as Press Card, Identity Card, Passport, Visa, instruments of first aid, communication device that more than one, etcetera. Other materials that also become the way to solve the problem at there explain about the first aid, handling light wounds, such as, broken or cracked bone, bleeding and burn, and also how to decrease the risks in covering. Journalists should do all of that to get exclusive news in the war, conflict or disturbance area and still can come back with their condition safely.
Another reason why we should appreciate to the TV News journalists is the way they always face deadline. When they cover an event, they should report about the news to the public immediately by TV News Broadcasting. In the series of working in TV News has three parts. There are the activity of news gathering, news production, and news presenting. For activity of news gathering, assignment editor should order their crew to cover the event in the real area, such as war, conflict or disturbance, in order to get balanced between picture and the news. But the important thing for the TV News Journalists can get the picture of news which informed to public. The news value judgment depends on how much important, attractive, dramatic and strong picture magnitude which is got by the crew in the real area, for example war, conflict or disturbance. Then the executive or reporter will preview the picture that their crew got together with cameraman before she or he will write the manuscript of news and the last, to present for public by activity of news presenting in TV. Journalists should obey this rule as soon as possible which makes them usually work under pressure. They have some experiences when they want to cover about the war or other news in conflict area and should report as soon as possible. They sometimes should wait not just for a moment to get the news or report about that, but sometimes they should wait for two or three hours or even they do not get anything about the news or report. Besides that, they ever got some discrimination from the respondents when they want to interview or report about the news. Those conditions teach them to be patience, disciplinary, and credible to face the deadline.
Then, the TV News Journalists should cooperate in a team work. Reporter and cameraman can not work individually to get news or report about the news in the field or real area, such as when they reported about war, conflict or disturbance. They should comprehend mutually. If cameraman has an idea to get a picture in different side, the reporter should comprehend that. And also they should always connect to the Studio of News Broadcasting to always inform about the condition at there. After that, the picture will be edited by editor to compose a good picture and news before report to the public.
In short, many challenges that the TV News journalists face in the war, conflict or disturbance area to get exclusive news to inform to the public. They face many risks which includes the death when they cover something in the area of war, conflict or disturbance. They also always work with deadline that they do only for public to present update, factual, and credible news. Another challenge, they should cooperate in a team work to perform good news and pictures. Therefore, we should appreciate them as unforgotten heroes.
http://meutyahafid.com/ Meutya Hafid dan 168 jam dalam penyanderaan
BalasHapusa Journalist make we know about everything...
I think a journalist, is the noble work...
like a jihad. :)
Like this for u mr. Farabi!
BalasHapusI wish that every one of us as a Journalist should be proud for this job although pass the line of dead.
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Hanya di dewalotto
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